Saturday, August 1, 2009

wun manong: Tie a yellow ribbon

I am opening this blogsite on the day a former Philippine president died...Corazon Aquino.

I got home early from work today and as part of my usual routine, after changing clothes, I immidiately turned on the TV and getting ready for breakfast. Upon checking on the show, I was surprised to see 2 TV anchors discussing things about former president Aquino. The kind of show that the station does when there is something special or a big event is happening. I did not immidiately got the point. I even asked Bernadette, the househelp, if the president was dead..she said no and she's not aware.

I knew it coming that she will eventually die, but not this quick. She's been suffering from colon cancer, but she died of cardio-respiratory arrest.

Cancer is something that is close to my heart and to my family. My aunt Rhodora (motherside), died of cervical cancer and another aunt, Elizabeth (from my fatherside) is currently diagnosed of Stage IV breast cancer. Last week, we had a word from her doctor that she's not getting any better and we're only hoping she gets better. A priest has also administered the sacrament of annointing the sick.

I may not know the pain that cancer brings to the patient, but I can certainly relate to those people with relatives suffering from cancer. The pain when you see the patient enduring the medications is not for the faint-hearted, moreso, during "failed" recovery process. I say failed because after all the theraphy, medicines and hospital bills, they will eventually die.

But the good thing about cancer is that it is symbolic into binding families and relationships. Just like what the president did. And in my case, I knew I love my aunt but I never knew that I really loved her so much.

I am not a historian, quite frankly, I almost failed my Philippine history class. I hate memorizing names and events. But when you speak of Corazon Aquino, you synonymously speak of EDSA revolution, military coup attempts and the color yellow.

Like a mother to her countrymen, she endured 9 coup attempts during her presidency and was the strongest force who bought back democracy to the Philippines. But more that these, the greatest achievement of that yellow colored dresses would be on how she united the people of the Philippines even after her presidency and during her civilian years after.

Again, she was a mother, a wife and an ordinary woman until her husband made history...and along with it she carved her own place in the books and in the hearts of the people.

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